I had  written  I had not  written  had  I  written
 you had  written  you had not  written  had  you  written
 we had  written  we had not  written  had  we  written
 they had  written  they had not  written  had  they  written
 he had  written  he had not  written  had  he  written
 she had  written  she had not  written  had  she  written
 it had  written  it had not  written  had  it  written


1. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home

2. Until yesterday, I had never heard about it .

3. The thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock thedoor.

Past perfect tense : gemişte bir aktivitenin başka bir aktiviteden önce tamamlandığını vurgular. yani:Geç mişte oluşmuş iki eylem var fakat 1. eylem , 2.cisin den önce olmuş işte 1.eylem past perfec tir.

4. Sam had already left when we got there 

5. Sam had left before we got there

6. Sam left before we got there

7. after the guests had left. I went to bed

4. de : önce sam ayrıldı sonra biz oraya vardık. (yani: biz vardığımızda sam ayrılmıştı). Eğer bir cümlede before veya after kullanılıyorsa genellikle past per fect tense gerekli değildir. Simple past 6. ve 8. ci örneklerde belki kullanılabilir. Not: 5-6 ve 7-8 aynı an lamdadır.

  • When Sarah arrived at the party , Paul had already gone home
  • When we got home last night , we found that somebody had broken into the flat
  • Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because  she had already seen the film.
  • I didn't know who she was . I had never seen her before
  • The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks

Past Perfect

Exercise 1  Exercise 2

Bu tens ile ilgili soruları download ede bilirsiniz. (Not: Sisiteminizde Excel kurulu olmalıdır.)